Remote Desktop Services Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keyDescription
CTRL+ALT+HOMEActivates the connection bar.
CTRL+ALT+BREAK or one of these shortcuts:
Switches the client between full-screen mode and window mode.

If these shortcuts don’t work, or the keys aren’t available, you can try the following alternative:

  • Press CTRL+ALT+HOME, TAB, TAB, TAB, TAB, TAB, ENTER. This activates the connection bar, and then presses the Restore down button.
CTRL+ALT+ENDBrings up the Windows Security dialog box for the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) (provides the same functionality as pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL on the local computer).

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The following table describes the standard Windows shortcut keys and their equivalent Remote Desktop shortcuts that are different. (For example, Ctrl+Z is generally the ‘Undo’ shortcut on both standard Windows and Remote Desktop.)

Windows shortcutRemote Desktop shortcutDescription
ALT+TABALT+PAGE UPSwitches between programs from left to right.
ALT+SHIFT+TABALT+PAGE DOWNSwitches between programs from right to left.
ALT+INSERTCycles through the programs in the order they were started.
Windows key



ALT+HOMEDisplays the Start menu.
ALT+SPACE BARALT+DELETEDisplays the system menu.
ALT+PRINT SCREENCTRL+ALT+MINUS SIGN (-)Places a snapshot of the active window, within the client, on the clipboard.
PRINT SCREENCTRL+ALT+PLUS SIGN (+)Places a snapshot of the entire client windows area on the clipboard .

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