RSCIT MS Excel Online Test in Hindi
Test Name: RSCIT MS Excel Online Test in Hindi
Subject: RS-CIT
Topic: RSCIT MS Excel Online Test in Hindi
Questions: 29 Objective Type Questions
Time Allowed: 40 Minutes
Language: हिंदी
Important for: RSCIT,PGDCA,BCA,Other Computer Exam IBPS RRB, Police, TGT / PGT, Ralway, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, BA, MA आदि |
The RSCIT Full Mock test paper is free for all students.
In this Quiz you may find question related to MS Excel
The RSCIT online Mock Test Exam for mS Excel is Very helpful for all students who are appearing in RKCL RSCIT exams and onwards…
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