Formatting Related Shortcut Keys in MS Word

जब आप किसी Document पर कार्य करते हैं तो उसमे लिखे गए Matter में आपको कई प्रकार की Formatting करनी पड़ती हैं जैसे – Page Formatting और Text Formatting| Page Formatting के अंतर्गत paper Size, Layout, Orientation, Margin आप आते हैं | और Paragraph Formatting के अंतर्गत Alignment, margin, line spacing आदि आते हैं| वैसे तो यह सारी Formatting आप Tools से कर सकते हो परन्तु अपने कार्य को तेजी से करने के लिए हम Shortcut Keys का प्रयोग करते हैं जो निम्न हैं-

Format Character

To do this


Open the Font dialog box to change the formatting of characters.Ctrl+D
Change the case of letters.Shift+F3
Format all letters as capitals.Ctrl+Shift+A
Apply bold formatting.Ctrl+B
Apply an underline.Ctrl+U
Underline words but not spaces.Ctrl+Shift+W
Double-underline text.Ctrl+Shift+D
Apply hidden text formatting.Ctrl+Shift+H
Apply italic formatting.Ctrl+I
Format letters as small capitals.Ctrl+Shift+K
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing).Ctrl+Equal Sign
Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing).Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign
Remove manual character formatting.Ctrl+Space bar
Change the selection to the Symbol font.Ctrl+Shift+Q

Change and Resize Font Size

To do this


Open the Font dialog box to change the font.Ctrl+Shift+F
Increase the font size.Ctrl+Shift+>
Decrease the font size.Ctrl+Shift+<
Increase the font size by 1 point.Ctrl+]
Decrease the font size by 1 point.Ctrl+[

Copy Formatting

To do this


Copy formatting from text.Ctrl+Shift+C
Apply copied formatting to text.Ctrl+Shift+V

Change Paragraph Alignment

To do this


Switch a paragraph between centered and left-aligned.Ctrl+E
Switch a paragraph between justified and left-aligned.Ctrl+J
Switch a paragraph between right-aligned and left-aligned.Ctrl+R
Left align a paragraph.Ctrl+L
Indent a paragraph from the left.Ctrl+M
Remove a paragraph indent from the left.Ctrl+Shift+M
Create a hanging indent.Ctrl+T
Reduce a hanging indent.Ctrl+Shift+T
Remove paragraph formatting.Ctrl+Q

Copy and Review Text Format

To do this


Display non printing characters.Ctrl+Shift+* (asterisk on numeric keypad does not work)
Review text formatting.Shift+F1 (then click the text with the formatting you want to review)
Copy formats.Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste formats.Ctrl+Shift+V

Set Line Spacing

To do this


Single-space lines.Ctrl+1
Double-space lines.Ctrl+2
Set 1.5-line spacing.Ctrl+5
Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph.Ctrl+0 (zero)

Apply Style to Paragraphs

To do this


Open Apply Styles task pane.Ctrl+Shift+S
Open Styles task pane.Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S
Start Auto Format.Alt+Ctrl+K
Apply the Normal style.Ctrl+Shift+N
Apply the Heading 1 style.Alt+Ctrl+1
Apply the Heading 2 style.Alt+Ctrl+2
Apply the Heading 3 style.Alt+Ctrl+3

Insert Special Character

To insert this


A fieldCtrl+F9
A line breakShift+Enter
A page breakCtrl+Enter
A column breakCtrl+Shift+Enter
An em dashAlt+Ctrl+Minus Sign (on the numeric keypad)
An en dashCtrl+Minus Sign (on the numeric keypad)
An optional hyphenCtrl+Hyphen
A non breaking hyphenCtrl+Shift+Hyphen
A non breaking spaceCtrl+Shift+Space bar
The copyright symbolAlt+Ctrl+C
The registered trademark symbolAlt+Ctrl+R
The trademark symbolAlt+Ctrl+T
An ellipsisAlt+Ctrl+Period
A single opening quotation markCtrl+`(single quotation mark), `(single quotation mark)
A single closing quotation markCtrl+’ (single quotation mark), ‘ (single quotation mark)
Double opening quotation marksCtrl+` (single quotation mark), Shift+’ (single quotation mark)
Double closing quotation marksCtrl+’ (single quotation mark), Shift+’ (single quotation mark)
An Auto Text entryEnter (after you type the first few characters of the Auto Text entry name and when the Screen Tip appears)

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